What Is The System?
“The System” refers to the tools, processes, and methods derived from “The Human Boundaries Model.”
It’s called “The System” for two reasons:
- It acknowledges the origin of The Human Boundaries Model within the discipline of SYSTEMS THEORY.
- It describes how The Human Boundaries Model has led to the development of a COMPREHENSIVE SYSTEM for personal growth and positive change.
The Human Boundaries Model is a set of integrated concepts and theories that describe human and group identity as an active, adaptive SYSTEM. This system is functionally independent from the conscious, more rational parts of our being and is capable of controlling and directing our emotions, thoughts, behaviors, relationships, and choices.
The identity system has its own rules, expectations and goals, all of which are about what is good for it, not necessarily what is good for you. To assure that its rules are followed, its expectations met, and its goals pursued, the identity system uses BOUNDARIES – active, powerful tools designed to protect and preserve the identity system. All adaptive systems have boundaries that serve these purposes.
The boundaries of our identity system have the power to take charge of our thinking selves, our emotions and our behaviors and direct them to serve the identity system, often in ways that are harmful to the person as a whole. The identity system doesn’t know any better, it’s just a system following its own rules. Learning how those rules work enables you to hack the system and make it work FOR you, not against you.
The Human Boundaries Model provides knowledge and tools allowing us to recognize how the identity system is operating in our lives and use that knowledge to break out of our old, negative beliefs about ourselves and replace those beliefs with supportive, adaptive, positive beliefs.
That’s “The System” and the methods and tools can help you or your teams break out of the old beliefs that keep us doing what we’ve always done and being who we’ve always been.